Do You Really Think We'll Have Genders In The Future?
Something that is very common is for people pushing the boundaries of technology (or pretending to, anyway) to hold weirdly conservative social views. This is why “techbro” is now a thing, and it’s not really surprising - there are plenty of engineers that are only good at engineering, not participating in a society, or even understanding how human social interactions work. It is kinda weird when Paul Graham does it, though.
That said, when I see futurists or transhumanists talk about a timeline where humans are uploaded or become cyborgs or whatever, and then they turn around and say stuff like “feminism is bad”, I am utterly baffled. This level of cognitive dissonance is a bit hard to swallow, even in our current political quagmire of fake news and conspiracy theories. These futurists are talking about augmenting human minds beyond our current capabilities, of modifying our bodies to do things we could only dream of, and [checks notes] also transgender people are mentally ill. Wait, what?
The moment we get access to any kind of augmentation, we’re not just going to make a perfect human. Nobody even agrees on what the “perfect body” is in the first place, and people’s response to disagreement seems to be to assert that their subjective opinion is the objectively correct one. For most people, I can excuse this as a lack of imagination. Maybe their response is a genuine question: “well, what else would you do? How can a perfect body be anything other than human?”. But we’re talking about futurists here, they’re literally imagining entire new technological paradigms! They definitely have an imagination!
Oftentimes, as so eloquently explained by Philosophy Tube, such viewpoints exist only to shield ourselves from truths we would rather not think about. Just as we construct phantasms to avoid thinking about our own mortality, some people don’t want to confront the possibility that they aren’t actually comfortable in their own body, because there is very little they can do about it right now. If they convince themselves that, given futuristic technology they would simply give themselves a perfect human body and then they would finally be happy with how they look, they don’t have to confront the lingering doubts eating away at the back of their mind - What if I’m still not happy? What if I actually want to be a different gender? What if I’m actually gay? What if I don’t even want a human form?. Even if a technological solution currently exists, many people trap themselves in social structures that would destroy them if they expressed themselves.
One way to salvage this worldview - to rationalize the phantasm - is to argue that, despite all the potential chaos that technology will unleash, only those civilizations who manage to hold on to Heterosexual Western Values will be successful in the long-term, usually backed up with a remarkably bad understanding of statistics. This has several problems, the first being that it has zero historical precedent - successful civilizations are always whoever can socially adapt to new technological paradigms. The other problem is that it ignores who is going to be first in line to get themselves augmented. Some rich people will, sure, but who do you think is going to be most willing to undergo an extremely risky procedure to give themselves a new limb?
Any guesses?
It’s furries. Furries want tails. Normal people cannot understand how badly furries want tails. They will literally invent new technologies just to give themselves tails. The first novel limbs that aren’t replacements are going to be tails invented by furries, and the furries will get them in droves. The first adopters of mechanical augmentation, cyborgs, and mind uploading will be furries, transgender people, and anyone else who doesn’t feel comfortable in their own body. Anyone who has not trapped their dysmorphia in a phantasm to try to escape it. This is going to give them a massive first-mover advantage, which will be incredibly difficult to catch up to because the compounding benefits of augmentation create exponential benefits.
It should be obvious to anyone who has seen technological trends play out that the furries won’t stop at just tails. People will immediately begin augmenting themselves in increasingly exotic ways, bounded only by technological limitations. Good futurists already talk about not just transhuman futures, but posthuman futures, where fragments of humanity inevitably transform into something barely recognizable. This is a fairly common aspect in almost any science fiction talking about what the deep future might look like, because it is logically inescapable. The only constant in nature is change, and so there is simply no possible way that humans would remain static for thousands of years in a civilization that continues to innovate.
All of this gets even more ridiculous if mind-uploading happens soon, because… you’ll be in a computer. You could be literally anything. You don’t even need a physical form anymore. Once mind-uploading happens, do you really think we’ll even have a notion of gender anymore? Of sexual orientation? Archaic notions might survive, but whatever “genders” people choose to be once all physical limitations are removed will be utterly incomprehensible to us. They’ll have much weirder things to debate, like whether or not it’s okay for an uploaded human to have a relationship with an AI with an IQ of 1040. “Genderfluid” isn’t going to scratch the surface of all the weird shit people will get up to.
Perhaps now you might understand why I am so utterly baffled by bigoted futurists, who would not survive in their own predicted futures. They seem to have constructed some kind of phantasm out of their contradictory beliefs, although what frightening truths that phantasm is protecting them against, I can’t say. I wonder if upcoming advances in VR might be more important than we think - perhaps better and more immersive VR could provide people with a safe place to explore alternative physical forms. Maybe then, some people might start to look past the phantasm.